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Kamloops – Federal public service workers and allies will gather outside Cathy McLeod's office at a rally calling on the federal government to take the measures necessary to ensure public service workers are paid correctly and on time.

PSAC is taking swift action in response to Treasury Board’s admission that it will not be meeting the implementation deadline for the PA, SV, TC and EB collective agreements. On behalf of the over 100,000 workers covered by these agreements, PSAC will file a complaint with the federal Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board

Many thanks to Giselle Henry, Aboriginal Coordinator on the PSAC BC Regional Council, who has volunteered to prepare a monthly listing of community events - many of which are related to Indigenous issues - from around the province that may be of interest to PSAC members. In the spirit of building allies, everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Here's the event listing for November.


PSAC is happy to announce that a new collective agreement has been ratified by members of UNE Local 20378 working for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation at Granville Island.

The new contract, which expires in March 2020 includes a wage increase, an increase to the shift premiums, better vacation and bereavement leave language, and improvements to the uniform and  protective clothing issue.
