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Aggasiz – Federal public service workers at Correctional Service of Canada institutions in the Fraser Valley are joining in a nation-wide event organized by the Union of Solicitor General Employees, a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada. The workers will be calling on their employer to take the measures necessary to they are paid correctly and on time.

Here are the REVP and Council members' reports, meeting and teleconference call minutes, and meeting agenda presented at the November 2017 PSAC BC Regional Council meeting.

SJF Sponsorship Program For Young Workers (18-35 years of age)

PSAC Social Justice Fund invites members thirty five years of age and younger to participate in the next “Education In Action” project in Guatemala for 2 weeks in spring 2018.

PSAC BC is proud to announce two upcoming advanced courses have been scheduled for early 2018 ...

Representing and Advocating Against Workplace Racism - January 13 and 14, 2018 in Vancouver

If you are a PSAC Steward with experience representing members with management and you want to improve and practice your representation and advocacy skills around workplace racism, then this course is for you.
