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Our PSAC/UTE Bargaining Team met with the Canada Revenue Agency on May 3 and 4 to discuss wage increases for 2014 and 2015, consistent with our collective agreement signed last year. Unfortunately we were unable to reach an agreement over the two days and therefore proceeded to next step under our contract and the law – to discuss and agree upon an arbitration process

In negotiations, our PSAC/CIU bargaining team for the FB group has made proposals to Treasury Board and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) concerning shift work, scheduling and part-time work. 

Friends, Sisters, Brothers, Local Presidents and Executive members,

I encourage you to consider affiliating your Local to the District Labour Council (DLC) in your area. Joining a DLC provides a valuable opportunity for PSAC members to gather with fellow union members to exchange information, extend mutual support, and represent the interests of working people in your community.

SJF Sponsorship Program For Young Workers (18-35 years of age)

PSAC Social Justice Fund invites members thirty five years of age and younger to participate in the next “Education In Action” project in Guatemala for 2 weeks in spring 2018.
