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The BC provincial election campaign is underway -- but how will the issues that are important to you, your family, and your community get on the agenda? Who will make sure the politicians follow through on their promises? 

Note to members who are entitled to a mail in ratification ballot as outlined in PSAC Regulation 15

In order to ensure as much participation as possible, the deadline for receipt of the ballot in the Vancouver and Victoria Regional Offices has been extended to April 10, 2017.

The date PSAC will announce the results of the ratification vote has not changed and remains April 13, 2017.

The federal government’s budget, delivered on March 22, failed to address the biggest problem currently facing the public service. The disastrous Phoenix pay system has affected thousands of public service workers over the past year, leaving some workers with no pay for months.


The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) welcomes the modest investments in public services announced in this year’s budget, but we are disappointed that it did not go far enough to restore the services Canadians rely on.
