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November 20 marks Trans Day of Remembrance. On this day, we remember our transgender and transexual brothers and sisters who have suffered, and continue to suffer, from violence, hatred and discrimination in our communities and in our workplaces

The Canadian Labour Congress One Minute Message Contest is back! And this year we're taking on all the negative trash-talk about unions.

You can send Stephen Harper a message by voting in the Victoria Federal By-Election on Monday November 26.  
The 2012 budget brought in by the Harper government will cut $5.2 billion out of the federal government's operating budget over the next three years. These budget cuts are bad for PSAC members and bad for the Canadians that depend on the services we provide.

Thanks for signing up for our regional TC bargaining list! We hope you find it informative and useful.
To avoid duplication, I’ve signed you up to get the national TC bargaing updates directly from headquarters: watch for those in your email inbox as well.

After a long wait, the TC Bargaining Team will appear before a Public Interest Commission (PIC) on November 13-15, 2012, to present our outstanding bargaining issues.

Treasury Board will do the same, and both parties will respond to each other's submissions.

This marks the first time PSAC will present to a Public Interest Commission under the Public Service Labour Relations Act, which came into effect in April, 2005.
