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Posted on behalf of Heather DuDoward, PSAC-BC Regional Council - Aboriginal Equity Coordinator

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Ottawa-Tony Clement, President of the Treasury Board, as well as several other ministers will make announcements today across the country with regards to the Red Tape Reduction Commission.

Made up of corporations and lobby groups, this partisan commission is seeking to reduce regulatory compliance instead of focusing on keeping Canadians safe from harm.

For 50 years the Labour College of Canada has been a catalyst for leadership in the labour and social justice movements in Canada. Today, it offers a four-week Intensive Program of post-secondary learning for active union members who want to enhance their leadership capacities. PSAC has a limited number of full scholarships available to our members.

On Saturday, September 15the PSAC members across the country demonstrated their support for public services and talked about how federal cuts are affecting all Canadians. Here in BC we hosted events in Vancouver, Surrey, Abbotsford, Victoria, Nanaimo, Campbell River, Prince George, and Naramata. Members hosted booths, rallied for public services, spoke to members of their community, and heard from local politicians across the province.

These vigils are meant to honour the more than 600 Aboriginal women that have been murdered or gone missing and to keep their memories alive. They are also meant to draw public attention to this horrific violence as a way to help end the assaults on native women.

Public Service Labour Relations Board has set dates for November and December

Filing for conciliation

As per the Public Service Labour Relations Act, the FB Bargaining Team filed for conciliation earlier this year when it became clear that the employer was not prepared to seriously address our issues, including those concerning parity with other federal enforcement workers. In June, we returned to the table for three days and made no progress whatsoever in talks with Treasury Board/CBSA.
