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VANCOUVER – A group of protesters began a 24-hour sit-in protest at the Kitsilano Coast Guard Station at 5 p.m. Friday after the federal government ignored a report saying lives would be lost if the station is closed as planned.

The protestors arrived by boat at the Kitsilano Coast Guard Station dock and will peacefully remain there for 24 hours to draw public attention to the enormous danger closing the Station would have, leaving all rescues in Vancouver harbour to the Sea Island Station in Richmond, 17 nautical miles and 35 minutes away.

Along with local labour groups and politicians, members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, Canada’s largest federal public sector union, will rally and speak out against federal government cuts at family-friendly events in Grandview Park in Vancouver and Bear Creek Park in Surrey.

As part of a National Day of Action, held across the country, members of PSAC will be talking to the public about the impact federal cuts have on services Canadians rely on.

Along with local labour groups and politicians, members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, Canada’s largest federal public sector union, will rally and speak out against federal government cuts at a family-friendly event in Central Park, Victoria.

As part of a National Day of Action, held across the country, members of PSAC will be talking to the public about the impact federal cuts have on services Canadians rely on.

Another in the series of videos we're producing on H&S. This time: Why Is H&S Important?

Stay tuned for more!

OTTAWA – The veiled threats of a backbench Conservative MP to punish federal public servants for exercising their democratic rights as citizens has drawn the ire of the country’s largest labour organization.

The president of the Canadian Labour Congress says Pierre Poilievre owes an apology to every public servant, especially to citizens of Quebec, for suggesting that a law be passed to deny them the same democratic rights enjoyed by other Canadians.

We are all Affected: Let's stand up for public services

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
