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Canadians said no to Andrew Scheer, and that is good news for public service workers and the millions who depend on important services from the federal government. The Conservative Party’s billions in proposed cuts to government staffing and operations were rejected by a large majority of Canadians.

The newly released Conservative party platform confirmed what many in the federal public service feared; Andrew Scheer is planning to pick up where Stephen Harper left off.

Deb Seaboyer, PSAC's longtime Regional Education Officer in the BC Region is retiring this week and she asked us to share this message to PSAC members.


Federal Conservatives led by Andrew Scheer have said little about how they will treat federal public service workers during this election campaign.

While they recently promised to cut federal regulations by 25% — which will undoubtedly lead to public service job cuts — they have been silent on how they will address the 140,000 PSAC members working for the federal government and currently at the bargaining table.
