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PSAC's IMP bargaining team met with the company in Vancouver for three days with the help of a conciliator last week. The team was hopeful IMP would address their workplace concerns and that a new contract would be negotiated without having to go to arbitration. Unfortunately, based on the minimal movement by the employer, PSAC is filing for arbitration.

The bargaining team is fighting for fair treatment of all members working at IMP. The table below shows the union's position on key issues, and the company’s response to them:

The 8th Triennial PSAC BC Region Convention will be held in Vancouver May 1-3, 2020 at the Pinnacle Hotel Vancouver Harbourfront. In advance of the official convention call, we would like to provide Branches, Locals, Regional Committees and Area Councils with some preliminary information and timelines.

In accordance with Resolution CS-51A, which was passed at the 2018 National Triennial Convention, all PSAC Regional Triennial Conventions will be fully funded.

Here are some important dates that members in BC should be aware of.

Many thanks to Corinne Foster, a young worker and PSAC member who attended the BC Federation of Labour School at Camp Jubilee, and shared this report with us. For more information about PSAC BC's Young Worker Committees and initiatives, vist http://psacbc.com/our-organization/young-workers

Camp Jubilee: June 14-16, 2019 a report by: Corinne FOSTER

