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Here are the REVP and Council members' reports, meeting and teleconference call minutes, and meeting agenda presented at the March 2018 PSAC BC Regional Council meeting.

Jill MacNeill and Jenny Macleod, two indigenous PSAC activists in BC have recently taken up new positions. Jill was appointed to PSAC’s National Aboriginal People’s Circle as the Female Representative for BC and Jenny Macleod has become the new PSAC BC Regional Council Coordinator for Aboriginal members.


I want to thank all the members in BC who helped organize and took part in actions on February 28th to mark the second anniversary of the disastrous Phoenix pay system.

By all accounts the day was a huge success and I am very proud of the BC Region. Click for a wrap up of the activities that took place and the excellent media coverage.

Sisters, Brothers, Friends,

The time to support Indigenous rights and fight for climate justice is now.  Members of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation are calling on allies to stand with them in defence of the lands and waters on March 10th. 

You have the right to get paid accurately and on time. Too many federal public service workers are experiencing hardships because of the failed Phoenix pay system. Send a message to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — and tell him it is time to take urgent action.​
