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It's that time of year again! PSAC calendars are available - contact your Local Executive or your PSAC Regional Office if you would like some for your worksite.

Compensation, duration and new protections argued before Public Interest Commission

Tanna Pirie-Wilson spends a lot of time thinking about the impact of government cuts on Aboriginal communities in Canada. As a member of PSAC’s National Aboriginal People’s Circle (NAPC), she hears from First Nations organizations that have seen their budgets cut and from Aboriginal union members whose jobs are at risk

The fall session of the Senate has returned with renewed debate on Bill C-377 and Bill C-525. REVP Bob Jackson has written a letter to five Senators from British Columbia, outlining the problems inherent in the legislation, and calling on Senators to allow both bills to proceed to full committee hearings and study.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada BC Region stands by our assessment of t Bill C-377 as creating unnecessary bureaucratic red tape that would be expensive for government to administer and would intrude on individual privacy.

REVP Bob Jackson's response to a recent editorial in the Kelowna Daily Courier.
