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The Public Service Alliance of Canada’s B.C. Regional Council voted earlier this week to endorse Irene Lanzinger in her bid to become the first woman to lead the BC Federation of Labour.

The BC Federation of Labour is currently seeking young worker facilitators from all over the province to facilitate the Labour Education Program delivered by the Employee Action & Rights Network (EARN). This program brings young union members into classrooms to talk about Employment Standards, unions, and the role unions play in society.  

The PSAC/Nav Canada bargaining team reached a tentative agreement on October 27th and a ratification vote has been scheduled for PSAC/UCTE Local 20222 members.

  • Thursday, November 13, 2014
  • Hours: 1100-1300
  • Location: Room 1156C - 7421 135th Street, Surrey

Bargaining Team Member, Michelle Webster and UCTE RVP-Pacific, Dave Clark, will be on hand to answer any questions.

Are you a Health and Safety rep or member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee in your workplace on behalf of your PSAC local who has already taken a previous Health and Safety CLC Part II course?

Bob addresses PSAC members at Harbour Centre in Vancouver - view on youtube.

The Conservative government’s income splitting and other tax proposals would do nothing to help the vast majority of Canadian families and would remove more than $4.6 billion a year from government revenue that could be used to fund a universal child care system.

The government announced today that it would allow the higher-earning parent of children up to 18 years of age to transfer as much as $50,000 of income to the lower-earning spouse for tax purposes.
