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A message to PSAC members in BC from Bob Jackson: Your vote matters!

BC’s municipal elections coming up on November 15th offer a chance for local residents to determine the future of their communities. As we have done in the past, the Public Service Alliance of Canada BC Region is participating in the Municipalities Matter campaign which is coordinated by the Canadian Labour Congress and affiliated Unions.

A new study published by the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) entitled Narrowing the Gap: The difference that public sector wages make reports that when comparing similar occupations, the differences in wages between the public and the private sectors are negligible.

No one should face a choice between going to work sick or losing pay. Sign the pledge today!

The federal government introduced a budget implementation bill yesterday that makes a problematic change to the funding of Employment Insurance.

This change was included as part of a nearly 500-page Budget Implementation Act – an example of the Harper government’s record of making sweeping legal changes with little time for proper debate.

Recently, the Parliamentary budget officer released a report on the government’s handling of the Employment Insurance program.

This PBO analysis confirms what the PSAC has been saying for several months: legislative changes to EI are hurting workers and economies in many communities in Canada.
