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Please note that the BC Regional Council has funds available to members in BC who are seeking subsidies to attend the PSAC National Convention as observers. The subsidies are administered by the Regional Council Donations/Awards/Subsidies/Honours (DASH) Committee. For more information, see BC Regional Council Regulation 7.

PSAC will be conducting a large poll of the membership as part of its ongoing process to ensure that your voices are heard and that your priorities are reflected in the work of our union.

Environics Research Group, a well-known and respected polling firm, will be conducting the online survey for PSAC, asking questions about union priorities.

Vince Rigby is frustrated. The former peacekeeper and Cape Breton resident recently told the Cape Breton Post, "I haven't got a counsellor any more so I have no idea what treatments are out there available to me.”

Rigby lives in one of nine cities across Canada where the government shut down Veterans Affairs offices a year ago. This has meant that veterans in Corner Brook, Charlottetown, Sydney, Thunder Bay, Windsor, Saskatoon, Kelowna and Prince George have lost access to crucial in-person services.

The PSAC BC Racially Visible Caucus and the Union of National Employees BC and Yukon invite you to Celebrate Black History Month with a series of posters, facts, and bookmarks that commemorate our heritage. Here is the second of a series of informative posters members can print and display at their worksites.

Viola Desmond’s experience helped to galvanize public opinion locally and internationally, and to raise awareness about the reality of Canadian segregation.

We have been in dispute with SSO concerning a new Collective Agreement since bargaining began in February, 2012. There have been petition drives, picketing of SSO offices, a rally at Stats Can headquarters in Ottawa, complaints filed with the Labour Board, and arbitration hearings. When SSO challenged our ability to have certain seniority-based proposals dealt with in arbitration, we took SSO before the Labour Board and ultimately to court.

Our PA, TC, SV, EB, and FB teams spent the week in negotiations with Treasury Board, seeking significant improvements to the mental health provisions in our collective agreements as well improved child care options for public service workers. These proposals were tabled during negotiations with Treasury Board on Tuesday January 13.
