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PSAC negotiates wages and working conditions for employees in almost 150 Locals and in hundreds of workplaces in our region. See below for national and regional updates.

Visit the national website for specific updates on all current national negotiations: Treasury Board, CRA, Parks Canada, CFIA and FB group.

Specific regional bargaining updates

February 23, 2018 - 9:21am •
Public Service Alliance of Canada-Agriculture Union members working for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency have ratified a new collective agreement in a series of votes held over the last two months across the country.
February 19, 2018 - 9:13am •
Our bargaining team met with the employer in Ottawa from February 13 to 15.
February 13, 2018 - 12:53pm •
Our PSAC/UCTE bargaining team met with the Employer January 29 - February 2 in Ottawa. While the pace was slow, we were able to exchange vital information with the Employer, negotiate terms, and sign off on additional language changes to the collective agreement. Greg McGillis, PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President for the National Capital Region, joined the team this week and was introduced to the Employer's negotiating team. 
February 13, 2018 - 11:33am •
Vancouver – Members of the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) are rallying on Valentine’s Day, calling on the government to show Border Services Officers some love and give them a fair contract.   Event information:
February 1, 2018 - 3:01pm •
CFIA ratification vote: Let your voice be heard!   Thank you to all CFIA members who have embarked on the e-vote process and cast their vote.  If you have not yet participated in an information session please continue reading below.   It's a simple two-step process!
February 1, 2018 - 12:00am •
January 26, 2018 - 10:26am •
PSAC is holding 2 in-person and 2 on-line webinar meetings for CFIA members in B.C. All of the latest CFIA bargaining and ratification information can be found at the national website. Voting Period The electronic vote will open on January 22, 2018 and close on February 22, 2018 at 12 noon EST. Note: members can attend scheduled meetings and webinars prior to January 22 but will not be able to cast a ballot until the 22nd. In-person sessions


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