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PSAC negotiates wages and working conditions for employees in almost 150 Locals and in hundreds of workplaces in our region. See below for national and regional updates.

Visit the national website for specific updates on all current national negotiations: Treasury Board, CRA, Parks Canada, CFIA and FB group.

Specific regional bargaining updates

December 7, 2017 - 10:17am •
PSAC is happy to announce that a new collective agreement has been ratified by members of PSAC/DCL 20500 working for the Corps of Commissionaires on Vancouver Island. The new contract, which expires in March 2019 includes a wage increase, improvements to bereavement leave, an increase in paid sick leave days, and better language around seniority,
November 29, 2017 - 11:02am •
Our bargaining team held three days of bargaining with SSO during the week of November 20. We focused on our key bargaining issues: hours of work, job security and term employment. We did this with the support of our members across the country.
November 29, 2017 - 10:35am •
A tentative agreement between Public Service Alliance of Canada and Canada Post Corporation has been reached early Sunday morning in Ottawa. The deal, covering more than 1,300 workers, provides for continued job security for CPC employees who are members of PSAC/UPCE and includes other improvements to the collective agreement.
November 29, 2017 - 10:35am •
Our bargaining team met with the Parks Canada Agency during the week of November 20, 2017. While we went into this week feeling optimistic about reaching a tentative agreement, we are extremely frustrated to report one was not achieved.
November 24, 2017 - 9:51am •
Our Team and Employer made final arguments on November 23, 2017. As per the Public Service Labour Relations Act, our FB Bargaining Team filed for conciliation earlier this year when it became clear that the employer was not prepared to seriously address our issues, including parity with other law enforcement agencies and matters related to hours of work such as protections for compressed work weeks, VSSA’s and telework. 
November 16, 2017 - 10:10am •
In our last update we told you that IMP dragged its feet for months and months and the Arbitrator had no other choice but to order the employer to an arbitration at the end of February. Several weeks later, IMP informed us that its representatives were not available at that time.
November 9, 2017 - 10:34am •
November 1, 2017 - 2:36pm •
PSAC is happy to announce that a new collective agreement has been ratified by members of PSAC/UCTE Local 20221 working at ARINC, who provide IT support and help-desk services at Vancouver International Airport.


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